
Friday, April 29, 2016

Beltane & The Fairy Folk

For the Northern Hemisphere, the Wheel of the year turns now to Beltane - the first celebration of Summer.  (April 30 - May 1)  In the Southern Hemisphere they will be celebrating Samhain and their Beltane celebration occurs on October 31 - November 1. 

Beltane, or May Day is a joyous celebration of life, fertility and growth.  The crops planted in spring are beginning to bud, flowers are blooming, livestock is mating - it's all about the creation of life in it's many forms.  It's no wonder that this special celebration has close ties to the Fairy kingdom and Elementals - as the workings of the guardians of earth, animals, and plant life are so abundantly clear to us at this time.

Beltane is the celebration of the Union of the broadest aspects of nature - the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.  Mythology and Archetypical Fairytales tell of the Union between The Maiden Goddess and The Horned One - as the Goddess (Earth) is impregnated by the fertile seed of the God.  Thus, the overwhelming theme of this celebration is Sex, Romance, Fertility, and Union.

With fires lit across the land, a couple leaps whilst hand in hand, to mark their union and this rite, for they know tonight’s the night! As they run into the darkened wood, and find a grassy glade they should, remember well of who’s around, for bands of faeries all surround, the couple as they consummate, the faeries cheer and seal the fate, of plants and flowers, shrubs and trees, whilst the God’s upon his knees, impregnating the mother to be, from sowing deep his natural seed. And so in time the Goddess will birth, the magic that’s nature, on this Earth.’
Quote from Way of The Faerie Shaman by Flavia Kate Peters
Embracing the powerful flow of the Creative nature of the universe is possible at this time, and in allowing ourselves to truly connect with the Turning of the Wheel we must simply look around at all the new growth happening in nature around us; and then recognize that our own spirit is reflecting that fertile creative landscape.  Ask yourself - what Union within my life am I celebrating?  What growth is happening within me - and what can I do to further help that growth?
Connecting with the Faerie Realm can help us re-connect with this part of the Natural Cycle.  It's easy in today's society to feel disconnected from Nature.  Get outside, tend to your garden, yard, or potted plants, and express joy and fascination with the miracle of life happening all around you.  It is said that at Beltane, the veil between the worlds is thin, allowing us to more clearly see and hear the Faery Folk.  Spells and Magick or rituals involving honoring the Fae, calling them, seeing them, and working in harmony with nature - all are perfect for Beltane!  Make sure as part of your ritual, or before your ritual, you spend time in nature tending the plants or picking up litter; or even joyfully singing and dancing!
Beltane Eve Fairy Spell
Perform this ritual at Dusk on Beltane Eve (April 30)
"Gather together violets, clover, and St. John's Wort.*  Violets are a fairy favorite, clover is for prosperity and luck, and the St. John's Wort will protect you from falling under a fairy enchantment (or being Fairy-led).  Gather these plants together and tie them with a green ribbon.  Take the bouquet to the garden or a place in nature.  Blow the Fairies and kiss, and leave the plants as a gift.  Sit for awhile in the garden or place in nature, and meditate.  Breathe in the air.  Notice the scents.  The different plants around you.  The temperature, the breeze.  When you feel you are fully connected with the nature around you, say:
"Fairies from far and wide,
I offer you a gift.
tied up in green for luck,
and sealed with a kiss.
I can sense you,
if I'm pure of heart.
Bless me with luck and Fairy-Sight
to boost my Healing Art."
Blow them another kiss, relax and wait to see if they reveal themselves to you.  Don't fret if you don't see them this night - try again in the morning and evening of Beltane.  Listen to any messages the fairies may have for you - sometimes they have a special mission or task for you to complete before they will reward you with a visit!"
(Adapted from an article by Ellen Dugan)
*If you can't find or access the specific plants mentioned here  - substitute something different!  Trust your intuition to guide you to certain plants that you think the Fairies would like - and add any protective plant you can find for good measure!
Celtic Legend of Beltane and the Fey
"This was the Celtic beginning of summer, and also marked an important transition for the people of Faerie, for this was the time when the Milesian Celts landed on the shores of south-west Ireland.  With this, the last of the magical peoples (the Tuatha de Danaan) receded from the world of humans into the Hollow Hills and became the people of the Sidhe.  However, they and the other Fairy folk have not gone very far."  (from The Fairy Bible by Teresa Moorey)  Legend holds that the veil between the land of the Sidhe and the Human world is thin twice a year - at Beltane and again at Samhain - and these are times when it is easy to see and communicate with the realm of Spirit and Elementals." (from The Fairy Bible by Teresa Moorey)
Welsh Legend of Beltane and Rhiannon the Fairy Queen
"Welsh legend tells how the hero Pwll saw the Lady Rhiannon riding past him at Beltane and, after pursuing her, he eventually won her.  Rhiannon is one aspect of the Fairy Queen, riding on her white horse between the worlds.  As you sit quietly outside on a bank in the late spring dusk, listen for the sound of her horse's hooves and open your eyes to the shimmer of her sea-blue cloack.  When Rhiannon touches your hear, she will fill it with love and inspiration." (from The Fairy Bible by Teresa Moorey)

Monday, April 25, 2016

I'm a Certified Angel Card Reader!

I am very excited to announce that I am now a Certified Angel Card Reader!

I have added a new page to the blog called "READINGS" where you can learn about the type of readings I do, how to order them from me, and all about my qualifications and courses!

I am also adding different readings to my ETSY SHOP, so you can view readings there.

To celebrate with those of you who follow my blog, I am offering 15% OFF OF ANY READING ordered from my Etsy Shop - use the code HESTIABLOG15 when you order! (Expires May 31)

Make sure you follow my facebook page for updates, blog links, and other fun stuff!