
Thursday, December 29, 2016

New Moon In Capricorn and our New Year's Resolutions

New Moon Blessings!  The moon entered it's New phase around 1:00 am Thursday morning, in the sign of Capricorn.  I made this graphic to show some highlights of the Moon Cycle we just entered. 

Time for dreaming and planning! Dream Big! This New Moon is a good one for your dreams & intentions for the whole year. Especially with things regarding your personal growth and pushing yourself to be your very best. You know that feeling of being motivated to change or better yourself that happens around New Year every year? It is largely from the Capricorn new Moon that happens right around our calendar new year. 

Capricorn energy is all about self improvement - pushing yourself to do better, achieve more, and improve your status in life.  Go ahead and dream big and set those lofty goals for the New Year!  Capricorn lets you see your ultimate potential.  However, it is good the remember the Capricorn method of achievement is not one of instant gratification.  "Slow and steady wins the race" seems like a very Capricornian phrase.  Build on your goals and habits slowly.  Perhaps think in terms of what small changes you can make, and then work on adding one small change or habit every couple of weeks.  Give yourself time to solidify one habit before jumping into the next. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and is known as the great tester or the lord of Karma, so don't expect these goals to go unchallenged!  Capricorn's lesson is often about flexibility and adaptability.  If one method isn't working, ditch it and try a new approach.  If one habit isn't sticking, change that up too.

January is named after the Roman God Janus, who is guardian of doorways. He has two faces - one looking back to the past, and one looking forward to the future. As we pass thru the door from one year to the next, we look back with a degree of honesty about what didn't work. And look forward and see potential within ourselves and want to push ourselves to be our very best. (a very Capricorn mode of thinking) 

But to use the adage "Rome wasn't built in a day" it is good to remember as we set goals that positive changes that stick are made slowly and gradually with great care.
Mercury is still retrograde, but will go direct again a few days before the full moon. That will be the perfect time to begin making changes or starting new things that relate to your goals.  From now until the January 9th, focus on pinning down exactly what your goals are.  Create some positive affirmations or a sankalpa to repeat daily to help you feel good about your goal.  You may even want to create a Vision Board or Dream Board... it's up to you.

Write down your goals and then write down a list of the small changes you can make to acheive this goal.  Don't try to jump in fully and make all these changes at once!  Just pick a starting point and be ready for it once Mercury goes direct!  Meanwhile your positive thinking and dreaming is planting the seeds during the new moon.  

I found this great graphic at Energy Muse showing how to follow your intention and goal setting process through the moon phase... starting at the new moon and ending at the dark moon (and then repeating again.  

Best Wishes for a lovely Moon Cylce and a Happy New Year!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Monday Musings - Astrology and Reiki

Students​ ​of​ ​my​ ​Usui​ ​Reiki​ ​online​ ​courses​ ​will​ ​notice​ ​that​ ​I​ ​share​ ​astrology​ ​articles​ ​frequently,​ ​as well​ ​as​ ​creating​ ​events​ ​that​ ​remind​ ​everyone​ ​of​ ​upcoming​ ​moon​ ​phases​ ​(Full​ ​Moon,​ ​New​ ​Moon, Eclipses,​ ​etc.)​ ​I​ ​will​ ​also​ ​share​ ​info​ ​on​ ​the​ ​solstices​ ​and​ ​equinoxes​ ​as​ ​those​ ​come​ ​up.
People​ ​who​ ​know​ ​me​ ​personally​ ​won’t​ ​find​ ​this​ ​odd​ ​and​ ​probably​ ​just​ ​assume​ ​that​ ​I​ ​am​ ​sharing​ ​a secondary​ ​passion​ ​in​ ​my​ ​Reiki​ ​Class.​ ​​ ​Actually,​ ​though​ ​-​ ​since​ ​practicing​ ​energy​ ​work​ ​and​ ​reiki healing,​ ​my​ ​understanding​ ​of​ ​the​ ​energies​ ​of​ ​these​ ​natural​ ​cycles​ ​has​ ​deepened​ ​and​ ​expanded.
“Reiki”​ ​means​ ​“Life​ ​Force​ ​Energy”​ ​or​ ​“Universal​ ​Life​ ​Force​ ​Energy”​ ​(from​ ​Rei,​ ​meaning​ ​ALL​ ​and Ki​ ​meaning​ ​ENERGY)​ ​​ ​and​ ​as​ ​we​ ​connect​ ​with​ ​this​ ​energy​ ​we​ ​begin​ ​a​ ​journey​ ​of​ ​connecting with​ ​all​ ​of​ ​life.​ ​​ ​As​ ​the​ ​Reiki​ ​practitioner​ ​begins​ ​to​ ​connect​ ​with​ ​All​ ​of​ ​Life​ ​on​ ​a​ ​daily​ ​basis,​ ​of course​ ​these​ ​energies​ ​of​ ​seasonal​ ​changes,​ ​moon​ ​phases,​ ​and​ ​planetary​ ​alignments​ ​become more​ ​relevant!
Paying​ ​attention​ ​to​ ​the​ ​astrological​ ​happenings​ ​and​ ​moon​ ​phases​ ​can​ ​help​ ​you​ ​on​ ​your​ ​Reiki journey​ ​in​ ​many​ ​ways.​ ​​ ​You’ll​ ​have​ ​a​ ​deeper​ ​understanding​ ​of​ ​what​ ​kinds​ ​of​ ​energies​ ​are​ ​moving through​ ​the​ ​universe​ ​-​ ​which​ ​includes​ ​your​ ​own​ ​body​ ​and​ ​the​ ​bodies​ ​of​ ​your​ ​clients​ ​or​ ​friends. The​ ​Moon​ ​is​ ​in​ ​Aries?​ ​​ ​That​ ​can​ ​explain​ ​the​ ​vibrant,​ ​fiery​ ​and​ ​combative​ ​energy​ ​you​ ​find exploding​ ​like​ ​a​ ​bomb​ ​from​ ​your​ ​client’s​ ​Solar​ ​Plexus!​ ​​ ​Move​ ​that​ ​energy​ ​upward​ ​into​ ​the​ ​Heart and​ ​Upper​ ​chakras​ ​so​ ​it​ ​can​ ​be​ ​expressed,​ ​or​ ​move​ ​it​ ​down​ ​into​ ​the​ ​lower​ ​chakras​ ​for​ ​some grounding​ ​and​ ​cooling​ ​off.​ ​​ ​Venus​ ​is​ ​retrograde?​ ​​ ​No​ ​wonder​ ​you​ ​keep​ ​coming​ ​across​ ​blockages in​ ​client’s​ ​heart​ ​chakras​ ​and​ ​complaints​ ​of​ ​feeling​ ​that​ ​their​ ​relationships​ ​are​ ​all​ ​going​ ​bad!​ ​​ ​Send some​ ​extra​ ​healing​ ​to​ ​the​ ​heart​ ​chakra,​ ​as​ ​well​ ​as​ ​sending​ ​some​ ​loving​ ​healing​ ​to​ ​the​ ​other chakras​ ​to​ ​help​ ​them​ ​feel​ ​more​ ​at​ ​ease​ ​and​ ​refocus​ ​away​ ​from​ ​relationships​ ​into​ ​areas​ ​of​ ​life that​ ​can​ ​be​ ​more​ ​fulfilling​ ​at​ ​this​ ​time.
Even​ ​in​ ​work​ ​on​ ​yourself​ ​you​ ​will​ ​notice​ ​your​ ​body,​ ​mind,​ ​and​ ​spirit​ ​going​ ​through​ ​some​ ​cycles and​ ​patterns​ ​that​ ​relate​ ​to​ ​moon​ ​phases,​ ​seasons,​ ​and​ ​other​ ​astrological​ ​occurrences.​ ​​ ​I​ ​was easily​ ​meditating​ ​for​ ​40​ ​to​ ​60​ ​minutes​ ​a​ ​day….​ ​20​ ​or​ ​more​ ​minutes​ ​every​ ​morning​ ​and​ ​evening​ ​- plus​ ​other​ ​random​ ​intervals.​ ​​ ​Then,​ ​Mercury​ ​went​ ​retrograde​ ​while​ ​the​ ​moon​ ​was​ ​also​ ​entering the​ ​waning​ ​phase.​ ​​ ​Suddenly,​ ​I​ ​was​ ​struggling​ ​to​ ​meditate​ ​even​ ​10​ ​minutes​ ​a​ ​day!​ ​​ ​Since​ ​I​ ​was paying​ ​attention​ ​to​ ​astrology​ ​and​ ​the​ ​moon​ ​phases,​ ​this​ ​didn’t​ ​surprise​ ​me​ ​-​ ​therefore​ ​I​ ​wasn’t hard​ ​on​ ​myself​ ​about​ ​it.​ ​​ ​Instead​ ​of​ ​feeling​ ​frustrated​ ​with​ ​my​ ​sudden​ ​change​ ​in​ ​how​ ​I​ ​felt​ ​during meditation,​ ​I​ ​just​ ​focused​ ​on​ ​allowing​ ​my​ ​thoughts​ ​to​ ​take​ ​me​ ​where​ ​they​ ​would.​ ​​ ​In​ ​this​ ​way,​ ​as​ ​I followed​ ​the​ ​thoughts​ ​I​ ​was​ ​able​ ​to​ ​see​ ​exactly​ ​what​ ​the​ ​retrograde​ ​was​ ​urging​ ​me​ ​to​ ​work​ ​on​ ​in myself​ ​and​ ​my​ ​outer​ ​life.​ ​​ ​I​ ​also​ ​saw​ ​in​ ​my​ ​thoughts​ ​the​ ​things​ ​I​ ​need​ ​to​ ​work​ ​on​ ​releasing​ ​and letting​ ​go​ ​of,​ ​simply​ ​by​ ​sitting​ ​on​ ​my​ ​meditation​ ​cushion​ ​and​ ​not​ ​forcing​ ​a​ ​meditation​ ​but​ ​just following​ ​my​ ​thoughts​ ​and​ ​feelings.​ ​​ ​Sure,​ ​my​ ​time​ ​on​ ​the​ ​cushion​ ​is​ ​shorter​ ​and​ ​feels​ ​less rewarding​ ​right​ ​now,​ ​but​ ​I​ ​have​ ​learned​ ​a​ ​lot​ ​and​ ​refocused​ ​my​ ​attention​ ​to​ ​other​ ​aspects​ ​of​ ​my life​ ​rather​ ​than​ ​worrying​ ​that​ ​I​ ​was​ ​“failing”​ ​after​ ​I​ ​had​ ​been​ ​doing​ ​so​ ​well.
Whatever​ ​your​ ​path​ ​or​ ​spiritual​ ​beliefs,​ ​and​ ​whatever​ ​form​ ​of​ ​energy​ ​work​ ​or​ ​healing​ ​you practice,​ ​we​ ​can​ ​all​ ​learn​ ​from​ ​the​ ​cycles,​ ​patterns,​ ​and​ ​shifts​ ​in​ ​energy​ ​that​ ​occur​ ​on​ ​astroogical levels​ ​and​ ​with​ ​the​ ​phases​ ​and​ ​signs​ ​of​ ​the​ ​moon.​ ​​ ​​ ​After​ ​all,​ ​we’re​ ​all​ ​one​ ​-​ ​residing​ ​on​ ​this​ ​same rock​ ​hurtling​ ​through​ ​the​ ​cosmos​ ​together.​ ​​ ​If​ ​you​ ​are​ ​studying​ ​Reiki​ ​and​ ​come​ ​across​ ​an​ ​article on​ ​the​ ​upcoming​ ​New​ ​Moon,​ ​or​ ​“Astrology​ ​This​ ​Week”,​ ​why​ ​not​ ​check​ ​it​ ​out?​ ​​ ​Reiki​ ​and​ ​astrology go​ ​hand​ ​in​ ​hand.​ ​​ ​And​ ​this​ ​can​ ​work​ ​the​ ​other​ ​way​ ​around​ ​too!​ ​​ ​If​ ​you​ ​are​ ​a​ ​student​ ​of​ ​astrology or​ ​a​ ​person​ ​who​ ​follows​ ​the​ ​phases​ ​of​ ​the​ ​moon​ ​and​ ​the​ ​seasons​ ​-​ ​why​ ​not​ ​check​ ​out​ ​Reiki? Energy​ ​healing​ ​can​ ​help​ ​you​ ​get​ ​through​ ​some​ ​of​ ​those​ ​rougher​ ​transitions,​ ​compliment​ ​the opening​ ​and​ ​expansion​ ​that​ ​occurs​ ​during​ ​positive​ ​aspects,​ ​and​ ​help​ ​you​ ​connect​ ​more​ ​fully​ ​with yourself​ ​as​ ​a​ ​part​ ​of​ ​this​ ​Divine​ ​Universe. ©​ ​Hestia’s​ ​Muse​ ​12/26/2016

2016 Review

Taking some time in this final week of 2016 to just review what has happened to me.  It's a good way to refine your goals and begin goal setting for next year - as you look back on what has changed you can clearly see how much potential exists in those 365 days!  We have collectively learned how much the world can change in just one year - from personal losses and changes to more global economic and political changes that made us all pause to reevaluate.

My 2016 has been an eventful year of self growth and outward expansion.  I have made great strides in moving towards my goals in my career!  I wish I had blogged more during the year to record some of the strides I have taken, but I will do my best to share some of these with you now!

In 2015 I had gotten my Reiki 1 degree and began exploring energy work.  I also had taken the Certified Angel Card Reader course, though I hadn't competed the final exam to get my certification!  I had a lot of goals involving starting a business as a Tarot Card reader and Reiki healer, but those goals seemed so unattainable and far away!  

Then 2016 happened and if I had one word to define this year it would be "Opportunity".  I completed the CARC course and could finally officially add Certified Angel Card Reader to my 15 plus years of tarot reading experience.  I had to opportunity to get my Reiki 2 and Reiki 3 Certifications - which I DID and am now a Reiki Master Teacher.  I had an opportunity to begin doing readings in person once a month at a shop down town and I took it, thus expanding my experience into the professional realm and readings in person  (Previously had done most of my readings online).  I also had the opportunity to create my official website... thanks to randomly meeting a new friend at the Olympia Dance Co-Op and finding he was a web designer!  So I ventured forth with an official domain of  (which links back to this blog).
Creating a website further pushed me to redefine my goals in the forms of mission statements, pricing, and creative descriptions of my services.  This process in itself was like a crucible, forcing me to really deeply define what I wanted to do and then put it in paragraph form for others to read.  I came out of the end of that experience feeling more whole - and more nervous - than ever before!  

I also spent a lot of time in 2016 working on my etsy shop and creating more of my spiritual mala necklaces and bracelets - and establishing myself as a regular presence at a local Maker's Market (craft fair).  Learning more of the ins and outs of selling at vending events and how to market myself, both online and in person.  
THEN I had another unexpected thing happen in the realm of business.  My oldest child and I had the opportunity to join Perfectly Posh - a direct sales company selling Pampering products like vegan soaps and lotions and naturally based face wash and masks.  At first we thought it would just be something fun to do on the side and occasionally get discounts on our own orders.  But things took off... before we knew it we were earning bonuses and had a team of people signed up as consultants under us!  I gave it my all and found it very satisfying and rewarding!  Though it did take some focus away from my other business of Reiki and Readings.... but eventually I learned how to better balance the two and even how they work together!  
I learned better methods of self care  and how to try and keep my life in balance between home, work, family, and spirituality.  I still need to work on this!  But 2016 showed me that I CAN find this balance, whereas before I may have felt I was too busy, too unprepared, or not organized enough to even TRY going after "crazy dreams".

Looking back, I see how 2016 was about laying the groundwork and building foundations for the work that is yet to come!  I am looking forward to where this all will go in 2017, and how I can be of service to others in many ways, as a Healer, an Artist, a Card Reader, and even as a Pampering Consultant!  I do plan on blogging more, and I got a new laptop as a Yule gift from my husband so I think that blogging will be easier and more attainable than it was this past year!  

I used this tarot spread to help me evaluate my past year and think about what goals I want to set for the new year.  You might find it useful as well! Take your time with it and journal about what you see in the cards!  If you want help or an outside perspective, (or don't read cards for yourself) I am offering this reading for $28.  You can email me at to order this Reading and I will email you the results! 

Happy New Year, and may you be blessed and find many opportunities in 2017!

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Happy Holidays!

Stopping in to wish everyone Happy Holidays!  I have not had much access to my blog the past few months, and I apologize for not really being here!  I would love to hear how everyone is doing!
We had a big morning here exchanging Yule gifts in front of the tree,  My husband got me a new laptop, so YAY I can easily write blog posts whenever I want to!  My children are happily playing with new toys, the classic movie "A Christmas Story" is on TV, we are snacking on leftover ham from last night's dinner (and cookies) and all of just enjoying a relaxing day.  I'm so grateful for all this year has brought me!

Thanks for reading, leave a comment and tell me how your holiday is going!

Monday, September 12, 2016

Bathroom Magick - Banishing

Bathroom Magick - BANISHING

You may not think of your bathroom as a very magickal place, or a place to do spells other than Ritual Bathing.  Check out my previous post about the Bathroom and see some ideas and tips for thinking of your bathroom as a sacred space (along with tips for cleaning it)

One type of magick that is perfect for the bathroom is Banishing.  As this is where we quite literally wash away dirt and grime, and ermmm... "release waste and toxins" from the body, we already have subconsciously related the bathroom to Banishing.  Let's bring that correspondence to our conscious mind and utilize this space for some magick!

  • Pretty obviously, you can set the intention to banish or release stress and negativity every time you wash your hands and face or take a shower or bath.  You could even choose a soap that is infused with an oil or herb with banishing qualities and bless that soap with the intention of removing negativity every time you use it.  You can find soaps or face washes with Aloe, Blackberry, Cedar, Cinnamon, Clove, Coconut, Eucalyptus, Lavender, Lemon, Lime, Peppermint, Raspberry, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Tumeric, and Witchhazel - all of these have banishing properties as well as benefits for the skin!
  • For washing away a bad habit, get a bar of soap and carve the name of the bad habit deeply into the soap.  Use the soap every day during a waning moon cycle and as the words carved in the soap fade so will your bad habit.  (intention and willpower are also important here!)  When the words have faded completely, throw the remaining soap away.
  • Detox - find some bath salts, face mask, or body mud that have detoxifying properties.  As you use these products, visualize the product not only drawing toxins out of your skin - but drawing out negativity and stress too.  Light some candles and bring some gemstones in your bathroom that absorb negativity - like Obsidian, Onyx, or Black Agate. (check out these awesome detox bath and skin products!)
  • Flush it! For a quick banishing spell, write down what you want to banish on some toilet paper.  Examples; "stress", "debt", "illness", "depression".  Sprinkle some banishing herbs or spices on the toilet paper, wad it up and Flush it down the toilet!  This can be really empowering as you visualize your problem being flushed away.  Add some power by saying,
    "Problem of mine, you cannot stay
    Problem be gone, flushed away!"

Thanks for reading!  Do you have more ideas for banishing spells that can be done in the bathroom?  Leave a comment!

Searching for some high quality bath & body products?  My oldest child is a consultant with Perfectly Posh!  Toxin free, Cruelty Free, Natural Ingredients with Vegan Options!
browse here

Thursday, September 8, 2016

My Favorite Things 9/8/16

I missed posting this on Sunday, and didn't want to wait until next Sunday to share, so here are My Favorite Things!

Featured This Week:
Life Purpose Angel Card Reading $15.00 (Normally $20.00)
The Angels have beautiful, loving advice for you in this gentle therapy session. I am honored to hold this space of intent for healing for you as I listen to you and then impart messages of wisdom from the Angelic realm to you - to help you move forward with clarity and purpose. This is a 6 card reading combining The Angel Tarot Cards and the Life Purpose Oracle Cards. You will receive specific advice, clarity and guidance related to your Life Purpose. This reading can help you identify your life's purpose, and/or learn what actions to take to help you achieve it . The only requirement of you is that you are open to receiving the messages! Purchase this reading with from Etsy or email me to pay directly via PayPal.  Schedule your reading here

Are you ready to take your spiritual journey to the next level?  Do you want to learn energy healing with Reiki?  My Reiki course is now open!  You'll learn the basics of Usui Reiki, get your attunement and certificate, plus more!  My course is designed to be personalized for you as a Spiritual Awakening Course.  You will receive tarot and Oracle card readings, Reiki healing sessions, and access to a private facebook group with information and support.  All of this is available to you now at the introductory price of ONLY $50.00.  Click here to learn more.

Other Things I Love:

What I'm Currently Obsessed With:

I started reading a new Fantasy Series!  I really enjoyed this book and am looking forward to reading the rest in the series.  When Kara Magari accidentally stumbles through some kind of Portal, she ends up in another world.  This world has magic and mystical creatures, different kingdoms of people who all pretty much hate each other.  And Kara is told she's been chosen to unite the kingdoms!  The fate of this magical realm seems to rest in the reluctant hands of a woman who would rather just go home.
Hey, guess what?  you can grab this book for FREE... right here
Also - the Author is hosting a Reading Marathon on facebook, with more giveaways!  Want to read the series with me and other people?  With insights and conversations with the author - and possibly win more free stuff?  Yes?  I will see you HERE  The reading marathon for this book starts on MONDAY!

If you're on Facebook joining the book marathon, I have another group for you to check out!  As you may know, my oldest child and I are consultants for Perfectly Posh.  Natural, non toxic pampering products?  With Vegan options?  YES PLEASE!  We have a group where you can learn about all the latest deals, request free samples, participate in contests and giveaways, etc.  Come join the fun!

The latest thing at Posh I am excited about is the Pamper Your Cold set.  This is a limited time special product to prepare for Cold and Flu season.  Pamper your Cold with essential oils to help you breathe easier and relax.  The Skin Stick is a lotion bar made with Shea Butter and loaded with Peppermint, Eucalyptus, and Pink Grapefruit essential oils.  You can apply it on your nose, upper lip, temples, neck, and chest to help relieve your cold symptoms.  The set also comes with Pamper Your Cold Shower Tablets - throw one of these in your bath tub or shower and breathe in the essential oils as they are released in the steam.  Opening up your sinuses and promoting a sense of relaxation will help you get better faster!  Order now at   This is a Limited item so I am not sure how long it will last!  Get yours while you can!
Meanwhile, Kenzi and I want to thank our customers!  Everyone who places an order BEFORE September 15th (that's Thursday!) will get entered into a drawing to win this Chunk Bar.
Get clean and feel Enlightened with this lightly scented soap bar made with Palm Oil, Shea Butter, and Olive Oil.  Lightly scented, VEGAN, high quality soap that will last you a LONG TIME!
Enter to win by placing an order of any amount at by 8 pm PST , Wednesday September 14

Thinking of Cold and Flu Season coming up reminded me I should probably stock up on some other herbal remedies.  While I was searching, I found this and I just wanted to share it here for anyone interested.  I don't know this shop owner, I'm just sharing something I think is awesome!
from OrganicHerbals on Etsy

Sunday, August 21, 2016

My Favorite Things 8/21

Every week on Sunday I want to make a blog post called "My Favorite Things" and share some special offers on products and services (and tell you about things I have tried that I love) So here we go, my first installment of "My Favorite Things"!

The first thing I want to tell you about is my new website! Check out ! I am now offering Reiki, Reiki Attunements, Tarot/Oracle card readings, and my Jewelry all in one place! If you want to order Reiki or a Reading - use the contact form on my website. Mention this blog post and I'll give you a 10% discount!

My next special offer for this week is this mala necklace in my etsy shop. This mala features a Kokopelli charm, wood beads, amethyst, and purple Jasper. Kokopelli is from Native American myth and legend - this joyful spirit loves music and dancing, and is known as a playful trickster! The Amethyst and Jasper enhance this light-hearted energy. Normally $18.00, I am offering this necklace for $15.00 THIS WEEK ONLY. Hurry, because there is only ONE! 

Next on the list is one of my favorite Pampering products! Have you heard of Perfectly Posh? They are a company selling pampering products - like scented soaps, lotion, face wash, and more. My oldest child is a distributor/consultant for this company. We love them because their products are made in the USA, Cruelty-Free, with Natural ingredients. And they have vegan options! Even the stuff that isn't 100% vegan is pretty great - the only animal byproducts they use are Milk, Beeswax, or Honey.
This week's special is the "Happy Dance" Hand Creme. 
This hand lotion is made with coconut oil and apricot kernel oil, scented with Pomegranate and Bergamot. Available for $8 this week only! (Usually $9)
If you want to order this, or look at other products, use this link -
If you order something from Posh (using the link above) send me an e-mail at and I'll give you a discount code for my etsy shop or Reiki! 

Right now I am reading a book series that I am REALLY enjoying! If you like Dystopian fiction, check out the Slip trilogy by David Estes. The first book, Slip, is available on kindle edition for $2.99

That's it for this week! Check back next Sunday for more of my Favorite Things and Deals of the week! I sincerely hope you have a great week! Blessed Be! 

Friday, August 19, 2016

Stay Tuned for a big announcement!

I am sorry I haven't posted a single blog all summer! How did that happen? I'm not 100% sure, but I have been very busy! Life has been magickal and I have new things on the horizon... which I am almost ready to share with the world! Stay tuned for a big announcement this weekend!

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Centaur Tarot Spread

As promised in my previous post, here is a Tarot Spread I designed for use with Centaur or Sagittarius energy.  It's perfect for today's Full Moon!

As with before any reading or ritual, please remember to ground and center, and set up protections in whatever way you do.  Calling on Archangel Michael, or asking for a ring of angels to protect you, or calling the quarters and elements and setting a circle of protection by visualizing a shield of light around you.  Whatever feels comfortable and safe to you.

Tarot Spread - Lesson of The Centaur
Make sure you read the post all about Centaurs.  There I cover the three gifts or lessons of the Centaur which are; Knowledge/Wisdom, Victory/Assertiveness, and Healing.

With this spread you will use Temperance as a Significator card. Simply find this card in the deck, and place it in front of you.  Meditate on the meanings of this card and the Centaur's lessons.  Use the affirmation, "I enthusiastically manage my needs and resources to bring about health and harmony".  Think about the meanings of the Temperance Card of integration, balance, moderation, and transformation.  Think about the Centaurs and how they teach us integration of Healing, Intellect, and Passion.  In what ways in your life do you need this integration and balance? 

Prayer (while shuffling the cards)
"I call upon the mighty centaur: warrior, hunter, healer, seeker of wisdom, and great teacher.  I call upon you now, be my teacher.  Show me what I need to know at this time and teach me to inte body, mind, and spirit."

Divide the deck into three stacks.  Take the first stack from the top of the deck, and place it in position one.  Take the second stack from the deck, and place it in position 2.  The remaining cards go in stack 3.  Just let the cards naturally divide themselves into these stacks.

You will turn the top card of each stack over.

Card 1 is Centaur's teaching or lesson for you at this time concerning your healing. Picture the Centaur handing you a cup of a healing elixir.  The card will show you what area of life this elixir will help you to heal.  This could be for your physical health, or emotional/spiritual healing.  Take this gift with deep gratitude.
Card 2, the scroll, is Centaur's message to you about wisdom and learning.  This shows you where in your life you need to apply your intellect.  It could be something you need to learn more about, or an area of life in which you need to apply wisdom and logic rather than force or action.
Card 3, the Sword... this is where Centaur is offering you help in the form of action.  Your passion and assertiveness will help you in this area of life.  This is also where the centaurs will offer to help fight for you to obtain victory in your goal. 
Meditate and journal about all three of these cards.  Be sure to interpret them through the lens and lessons of the Temperance card, which reminds you that each of these energies of the cup, scroll, and sword need to be used in moderation, balanced with each other, and integrated into your life with patience.
Thank the Centaurs for their lessons.  You may wish to leave them an offering of some kind (food or drink - they really love wine or alcohol if you have any to put in a small cup or bowl to leave for them in gratitude for their help) or at least sincerely thank them for their help.
Blessed Be!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Centaurs ~ Fire Elementals ~ Sagittarius

We have the full moon in Sagittarius coming up on Saturday May 21. With the full moon in a Fire Sign I felt like it would be a good time to connect with Fire Elementals, and specifically the Centaur.  Most people wouldn't instantly think of Centaurs as Fire Elementals - so let's examine Sagittarius energy traits alongside the personality traits of Centaurs and you'll see why I feel like they are definitely Fire Elementals!!

Temperance from The Celestial Tarot

Sagittarius is the masculine, mutable fire sign of the zodiac: energetic, ambitious, generous spirits who love and value freedom, enjoy challenges and intellectual pursuits. Ruled by Jupiter - the planet of expansion, higher education, growth and travel. Sagittarians are generally open to new ideas, exploration and seeking knowledge. Sagittarius energy is active, ambitious, passionate and sexual - embodying the element of Fire.  Positive traits are: optimistic, outgoing, expansive, ethical, freedom loving, exploratory, and honest or being straight forward. Negative traits can include: domineering or controlling, opinionated, judgemental, blunt, competitive, and overindulgent.  Sagittarius' fiery passion combined with a strong intellect and quest for knowledge creates an energy signature that is constantly seeking balance between wisdom and instinct. They will fight when necessary (and even be overly aggressive if their goal is slipping away from them) but in turn they can also be that intellectual and spiritually wise person you know.
This balance between competive instinct and rational intellect is evident in the stories and legends of Centaurs.

Centaurs are half man, half horse, representing the marriage of animal instinct and strength with human intellect and wisdom. (Some may say that the horse aspect is what represents their kind, gentle, and wise nature while it is their human side that brings in the aggressive nature. Food for thought). In Greek mythology, Centaurs were a wild and unruly lot; who liked to drink and fight, what we would call today a "macho man". They have a lot of passion, a strong sexual energy, and are certainly interested in conquest of all kinds. (Look out ladies, the Centaur will probably flirt with you and try to show off his strength to get your attention!) Can you begin to see why they are Fire Elementals?!?
However, legends also revere Centaurs as great teachers, healers, and guardians - so they've got that Sagittarian balance between instinct and intellect. On the Illustration of the Centaur card from the " Mythical Creatures Oracle", Sky Cybele has depicted the Centaur holding both a club and a scroll - symbolically the Sword and the Pen. She says if you were to ask a Centaur, "Which is mightier, the pen or the sword?" Centaur wouldn't know the answer as he sees them both as equally powerful and necessary. (Pictured below)
If you choose to work with Centaurs, you can ask them to help you achieve balance between instinct and intellect. There are times when energy, action, and assertiveness is necessary - and times when those traits are certainly not appropriate! Alternatively, there are times intellect, wisdom, and learning are necessary - and times when instinct and gut feelings are better than "book smarts". Centaurs love to teach and guide others, and can help you know when it is best to be seeking the route of wisdom and learning, or when it is best to be active and assertive or follow your passions.
Centaur from The Mythical Creatures Oracle by Sky Cybele

It is also important to know about the King of the Centaurs - Chiron.  Chiron was known as a very wise leader and teacher - perhaps not as prone to aggression as his fellow Centaurs. Son of the Titan God; Saturn, and pupil of the God Apollo, Chiron was friend and confidant to both Gods and Men. (Again, a strong connection of balance between the Higher Realm of consciousness and the Lower Realm of physicality) The Gods taught Chiron about hunting, medicine, music, and prophecy - and in turn Chiron taught these things to men. Among Chiron's famous pupils were Hercules, Achilles, Jason, and the twins Castor & Pollux.
Here is the story of Chiron's injury and how he became a constellation. Some say he was hunting a wild boar with Hercules, others say he was with Hercules (his friend) when a battle broke out among some other Centaurs. Either way, he was accidentally struck on the leg by Hercules' poisoned sword. Since Chiron was immortal this wound did not kill him, but the poison made the wound very painful and impossible to heal.  Chiron's suffering was great, and he set himself to the task of searching for a cure - or to find a way to die to escape his suffering. Hercules went on a quest to help his friend find a way to die, while Chiron studied medicine and healing. During this time, Chiron discovered many cures and healing practices (none of which cured him) and he passed those cures and the healing wisdom on to others.... So here we see Chiron as the archetype of the Wounded Healer - a powerful archetype for healers to work with, especially those who are chronically I'll or disabled and yet drawn to the path of healing others.
Hercules, on his journey found the suffering Prometheus who was chained forever to a rock where an eaghle tore at his eyes, kidneys, and liver every day. Jupiter had cursed Prometheus to suffer until someone of their free will offered to take his place. Hercules told Chiron of Prometheus. Chiron was already suffering in anguish every day, and had all but given up on his search for a cure, so he agreed to take Prometheus' place. Thus, Prometheus was freed from his curse. For his sacrifice, Chiron was awarded by the Gods and allowed to die - Thus relieving his suffering at last too. Jupiter further awarded Chiron by placing him among the stars -  as the constellation now known as Sagittarius.
Within Chiron's story we find the traits of a great healer, a teacher, and a compassionate, self a sacrificing, and loyal friend. This is Sagittarius energy in it's most balanced and enlightened form - one who has mastered the competitive and macho energy of fire and masculinity, and transmuted it into generosity, ethical asmbition, and knowledge seeking not just for the self but for the greater good of all.

Temperance from the Radiant Rider-Waite Smith Tarot

In the Tarot, Sagittarius is embodied in the Major Arcana card Temperance. Key words for this card are: Blending, Balance, Timing, Discipline, Self-Control, Compromise, Moderation, Alchemy, Healing, Distillation, and Flexibility. You can see how the meaning of the Temperance card relates to the story of Centaurs, Chiron, and Sagittarius energy. You can meditate on this card or journal with it to help you connect with Centaur and Sagittarius energy. Also, if this card comes up for you in a reading, perhaps it is a sign that the Fire Elementals Centaurs are near and want to work with you to teach you moderation and balance.

Working with Centaurs as Spirit Guides
You can connect with these powerful fire elementals any time you want to. Make sure you ground and center yourself, and set up protections - though Centaurs aren't malevolent or mean spirited, they can be strong-willed and they like to play rough. You can call on Archangel Michael for protection, as well as setting clear boundaries about what you will and will not allow (this is a good idea for working with any of the elementals and fairies) You do this by simply and clearly stating your intention at the beginning of your ritual or meditation. One way to invoke a Centaur is to have a fire (in a safe fire pit in your back yard or campground), play some upbeat music or drum beats, and leave an offering of wine or alcohol (the centaurs enjoy drinking) and invite the Centaurs to join you while you meditate on their lessons. You can set up an altar - this can be placed near the outdoor fire, or indoors to be used if you can't have a fire outdoors - as a place to honor them, work with them, and meditate with them.  Some suggestions for your altar: candles for the fire element, a picture or small figurine of a centaur, an image of the constellation Sagittarius, pictures or figurines of horses, a book and pen to represent wisdom & learning, a knife or sword, or bow and arrow (or small figurines or pictures of these) to represent their battle skills and hunting abilities, the tarot card Temperance, and symbols or representations of health, healing, and medicine.
You can meditate at this asltar to meet your Centaur guide, or ask for their assistance in your life. The centaurs can help you in manifesting a dream to go to school or get a scholarship, or to help you study and get good grades in school. They can help you manifest a good doctor or help you in finding a healer, energy worker, or medical practitioner to help you with healing. They can help you attain your goal of becoming a healer and assist you in your healings of yourself and others. And most of all, Centaurs can help you find balance, be more assertive, bring passion to your sex life, and help you in challenges and competitions.
My Centaur altar for Full Moon in Sagittarius;
My Altar for Centaur

I will be sharing a tarot spread you can use while working with centaurs, and I am working on creating a guided meditation to help you meet the centaurs. Check back here at the blog for updates!
If you enjoyed this blog post, please leave a comment! If you would like to continue seeing more blog posts like this, consider supporting me by buying a reading or jewelry from my etsy shop! Your support helps me to be able to create more blog posts like this one. Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy meeting the Centaurs!

Friday, May 13, 2016

Faerie Friday - What does it mean to believe in Faeries?

As I am taking the Fairyologist course and reading many books about Faeries and working with them, my own understanding of them is deepening and expanding.  In discussing Faeries with others, I am often asked the question; What are the faeries?  Well, I think they can be different to everyone!  Depending on what your beliefs are, your experiences with them, and what your preconceived notions of faeries are - your experience of them will be different.  The first step in experiencing the Faeries, is believing in them!  Here is a journal entry I wrote yesterday as I meditated on the concept of believing in faeries.

What Does It Mean To Believe in Faeries?

     To believe in faeries is to believe in the unseen spirit world of plants, animals, water, air, earth, and fire.  It involves a basic animistic belief system which defines all of nature as having spirits - humans, trees, animals, and even rocks - and then a step further from animism even, to acknowledge the existence of other Nature Spirits; unseen entities who are closely bonded with the natural world, yet separate from it in the sense that they lack physical bodies.  These etheric beings can interact with the natural world, yet exist in a slightly different vibrational realm from what we see and know on this physical plane. I should note that I use the word "faeries" as an umbrella term for many different kinds of unseen Nature Spirits, and am not solely referring to beings known as "fairies".
     Believing in Faeries is to awaken and embrace your Inner Child - seeing magic and wonder in all things around you.  For it is with this sense of wonder and mystery that we experience the world of faeries.  Believeing in faeries is to embrace the stories, myths, and legends - knowing that not only is there a grain of truth to all the old fairytales; but that the stories themselves give a shape and pathway for all the spirit beings to come to us and interact with us.

     The tiny Nature Spirits that watch over flowers existed long before the popular artistic images of tiny human-shaped beings with butterfly wings.  But the human imagination and capacity for story telling encountered these beings and felt their presence - and likened the essence of that presence to the image of a light, fluttering and delicate butterfly on the breeze, flying from flower to flower.  Through stories and art the "picture" of a Flower Fairy grew.  The image aligned itself with other people's intuitive encounters, and then became broadly accepted because it worked!  The imagery fit with what others' intuitive and empathic encounters with these Nature Spirits felt like.  So, through story and art; a fairy-shaped niche appeared in the cosmic consciousness and these Flower Fairies (Nature Spirits of flowering plants) found a relationship with humans. 
     The same pattern can be applied to all the Elementals or common Nature Spirits of the Faerie Realm.  The Faerie Royalty felt similar to our Gods and Goddesses, so those Fae took on the shape and form of Gods and Goddesses.  The dragons spirit form existed before humans, and indeed before humans described them as large, powerful, reptilian creatures.  Encounters with Dragon Energy leave people feeling awestruck; something that could only be described as "Big, powerful, wise", maybe "temperamental," and certainly "not human" - thus the dinousaur/reptile shape of the story rather than the small, humanoid story.  And thus, a dragon-shaped niche entered the human consciousness and gave us a way to describe yet another kind of Nature Spirit we encountered.
     As the human relationship with nature has changed, so did how we see the Nature Spirits.  When nature was something wild and untamable and humans struggled to survive vast forests, harsh winters, and were still heavily connected to agriculture and farming or hunting - this was refleceted in the way people saw Faeries / nature Spirits.  They were beautiful, respected, revered; and also feared.  The forest is beautiful and enchanting - but if you don't respect it and understand it - you can easily become lost, wounded or even die. (That sentence almost perfectly describes many ancient tales of the faeries)  With the growth and expansion of Christianity, our relationship with nature changed.  It became popular belief that the salvation of your body from the harsh winter was less important than the salvation of your eternal soul; and that salvation came not from your relationship with the land and an animistic view, but from the forgiveness of a far-away God.  As Christianity spread, the old beliefs were frowned upon so the darker side of the faerie stories were used as "proof" that the Fey were demonic beings doing the workings of the Devil.  What may have once been a story of a deep connection and respect for the land and nature, became twisted into a warning to not stray from the emerging Monotheistic faith and it's sole ability to save your soul. 
     Then as humanity advanced further into an industrialized world with technology and science - we further separated our consciousness from Nature and the natural world.  I think it is very interesting that as nature became something humans "conquered" with massive agricultural growth, shelter from the elements, and less direct dependence of the land (we still need the land, but our consciousness has separated from it as we can go to the grocery store for food instead of hunting for it) ; this is when the popular image of fairies as small, delicate creatures of flowers and wings became popular.  Nature became something we saw as under our control or less harmful and needing our care instead of something mysterious and even dangerous.
     Today, I think our relationship with nature should be a blend of respectful reverence and nurturing caretakers.  Thus, the way we see Faeries and relate to the Nature Spirits should also reflect this.  If we allow ourselves to experience the broad range of nature's moods and personas we should encounter an equally broad range of types of nature spirits.  As we garden and care for the land in loving, nurturing ways, we will encounter the small Flower Fairies, pixies, and nymphs.  As we walk in wonder and reverence in a wild place such as a forest or mountain, we can encounter larger beings that share the wild deep untamed nature of that forest or mountain - such as Faerie Queens, Green Man, Dragons and Elves.
     To believe in Faeries is to look at the fairytales, myths, and legends in a new light - to see the truth and magick in them - and to make and tell our own stories!  Recognizing that story-telling and creating art is another way of communing with these spirit beings and welcoming them into our lives though imagination and inspiration. 

     To believe in faeries is the see and experience faeries!  Our beliefs shape our reality, and someone who doesn't believe in faeries or says; "those are just stories and myths" will likely not experience encounters with the fae - as logic and ego can explain away the movement in the trees as a "breeze" and the light in the corner of our vision as "just a bug".  But those who believe in faeries will see these things - Bugs and Breezes - as part of how the spirit world interacts with the physical world.  When you expect magic and believe in magic, you'll see it and feel it all around you!
     Mostly the fae will appear to you in the way you believe that these encounters will happen.  Some people report actually seeing fairies, gnomes, leprachauns etc - an image that they swear is a being right there in front of them!  Some people may feel the presence of faeries and see them in their mind's eye, or encounter them in meditations and dreams.  Other people may see faeries as encounters with nature itself; the feeling roused by a certain breeze, a feather or leaf falling in their path at a certain moment, a bird swooping close overhead or some other animal encounter.  All of these are valid and real ways of seeing and encountering faeries - and believing in faeries will mean that you are aware and in-tune enough with the natural world and the unseen Spirit realm that you will see, feel, and hear the faeries often!

Friday, May 6, 2016

Faerie Friday: Meeting The Faeries

Faerie Friday Blessings to you!
I recently signed up for a new course by Doreen Virtue; Fairyology!  It is a video course and certification.  I am so excited about having another Certification - and I know in the future I will be leading workshops, teaching classes, doing readings and many more things because of the relationship I am developing with the Faeries and all I am learning.  I want to share some of my thoughts and discoveries with you every week so I will be trying to post a new blog every Friday (Thus; "Faerie Fridays" is born!) 

So this past week has been intense but beautiful.  I started watching the video course, but also felt guided to read more books to my studying.  My guides encouraged me to take this course deeper, learn on a very deep and personal level from more than one teacher.  So I downloaded several other books and have been reading those as well.  (I will be sharing more on those books later on.)

I have worked with Faeries and Elementals before, but am going to spend more time developing a closer working relationship with them, and getting to know the particular Faeries of the land where I live.  For Clarification - let me define who I feel the faeries are.  I use Faerie as an umbrella term for Elemental Spirits and Elementals.  Elemental spirits are spirits connected to nature.  (Not ghosts!)  They are spiritual beings that don't quite live on this physical plane, but they do interact with it.  Some of them are like guardians of certain areas.  Rivers, lakes, and forests might have a strong Elemental guardian, as well as many "smaller" elementals living in that area.  Elementals are called such because they are related to the Four elements, or Forces of nature; Earth, Air, Fire and Water.  There is a large variety of these nature Spirits and are many names for these:  Elementals, Nature Angels, Fairies, Elves, Gnomes, Pixies, Sylphs, Salamanders, Dragons, Plant and Tree Spirits... the list goes on and on!

One of the first things I did was create a Faerie Garden!  I chose a spot in my herb garden near the front door to make a faerie ring and add decorations.  I spent some time pulling weeds, pruning the plants, picking up trash and debris, and really just working outside a lot.  The first step in connecting with the spirits of nature (faeries of all kinds) is by connecting directly with nature.  The faeries appreciate your efforts to help them care for the land and the planet.  Here are a couple pictures from my Faerie Garden;

I was blessed with such a feeling of satisfaction and love after spending a lot of time working on my garden!  In fact, I was so drawn to being outside that I hardly worked on my video course at all - just doing reading at night and gardening all day!  (Again, my faerie guides have told me this is what they want me to do in developing a deeply personal relationship with them)  And I do feel like the Plant Faeries of my garden are very happy with this place made just for them!

Then, on Beltane Eve, I prepared and went out to the forest by my house to a particularly magickal feeling place by the creek, and did the Beltane Eve Fairy Spell (from my blog post about Beltane)  I brought the Faeries gifts of flowers, fruit, tea and honey and spent a lovely time meditating, listening to the forest, and celebrating.

While I was there, I became aware of many Spirit beings in the forest with me.  Several Tree Spirits and Plant Faeries, as well  as other Elementals and Nature Spirits.  They were delighted that I came and brought them food to share!  When I first entered the forest, I asked permission to join them.  There was a sense of surprise and also wariness; a human had never asked permission to walk on this land before.  At least not in many, many years.  I told them I brought food to share with them, and wanted to celebrate with them and the mood instantly lifted!  I felt like I was surrounded by laughter!  The rest of my time sitting out there that Beltane Eve, I did have other encounters and revelations, but those are not for sharing at this time.

I have had a couple other moments this past week in which I just felt the presence of the Faeries and magick in my life!  I posted this in a facebook group I am in on Tuesday;

"My life is immersed in magic and fae energy. Watching a couple videos here and there, (but I'm still only on video 5 lol) and reading a few different books on faeries at night. In the day just connecting with them as much as I can. Today I was sitting in my kitchen, making jewelry (I'm vending at a craft fair on Sunday so I was busy making sparkly things) I had some of my favorite music playing and was feeling especially happy while I made a fairy necklace with rainbow fluorite. I kept seeing movement outside and looking up to see the wind blowing the trees, birds, butterflies, etc. I saw a huge blue dragonfly! I've always associated dragonflies with faeries!! It flew by the sliding glass door three times! So I went and opened the door and felt the faeries cheering "we like your music"! So I turned it up and left the door open so they could hear it. The dragonfly came back and was just swooping in crazy circles all over the yard like it was dancing! Then another one joined it, and another... Until there were 5 blue dragonflies dancing around my yard! I sat on the porch watching them and laughing. I looked up to the trees and clear as day saw Green Man's face in the tree looking right at me! I looked away because I saw a bird or something, looked back at the tree but now the face is looking sideways instead of at me. Then I notice another face in another tree, and another! Look away and look back - they're all gone!"

I'm so excited to see what else I will learn, and what other encounters and Adventures I will have in working with the Faeries and Elementals!

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Friday, April 29, 2016

Beltane & The Fairy Folk

For the Northern Hemisphere, the Wheel of the year turns now to Beltane - the first celebration of Summer.  (April 30 - May 1)  In the Southern Hemisphere they will be celebrating Samhain and their Beltane celebration occurs on October 31 - November 1. 

Beltane, or May Day is a joyous celebration of life, fertility and growth.  The crops planted in spring are beginning to bud, flowers are blooming, livestock is mating - it's all about the creation of life in it's many forms.  It's no wonder that this special celebration has close ties to the Fairy kingdom and Elementals - as the workings of the guardians of earth, animals, and plant life are so abundantly clear to us at this time.

Beltane is the celebration of the Union of the broadest aspects of nature - the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine.  Mythology and Archetypical Fairytales tell of the Union between The Maiden Goddess and The Horned One - as the Goddess (Earth) is impregnated by the fertile seed of the God.  Thus, the overwhelming theme of this celebration is Sex, Romance, Fertility, and Union.

With fires lit across the land, a couple leaps whilst hand in hand, to mark their union and this rite, for they know tonight’s the night! As they run into the darkened wood, and find a grassy glade they should, remember well of who’s around, for bands of faeries all surround, the couple as they consummate, the faeries cheer and seal the fate, of plants and flowers, shrubs and trees, whilst the God’s upon his knees, impregnating the mother to be, from sowing deep his natural seed. And so in time the Goddess will birth, the magic that’s nature, on this Earth.’
Quote from Way of The Faerie Shaman by Flavia Kate Peters
Embracing the powerful flow of the Creative nature of the universe is possible at this time, and in allowing ourselves to truly connect with the Turning of the Wheel we must simply look around at all the new growth happening in nature around us; and then recognize that our own spirit is reflecting that fertile creative landscape.  Ask yourself - what Union within my life am I celebrating?  What growth is happening within me - and what can I do to further help that growth?
Connecting with the Faerie Realm can help us re-connect with this part of the Natural Cycle.  It's easy in today's society to feel disconnected from Nature.  Get outside, tend to your garden, yard, or potted plants, and express joy and fascination with the miracle of life happening all around you.  It is said that at Beltane, the veil between the worlds is thin, allowing us to more clearly see and hear the Faery Folk.  Spells and Magick or rituals involving honoring the Fae, calling them, seeing them, and working in harmony with nature - all are perfect for Beltane!  Make sure as part of your ritual, or before your ritual, you spend time in nature tending the plants or picking up litter; or even joyfully singing and dancing!
Beltane Eve Fairy Spell
Perform this ritual at Dusk on Beltane Eve (April 30)
"Gather together violets, clover, and St. John's Wort.*  Violets are a fairy favorite, clover is for prosperity and luck, and the St. John's Wort will protect you from falling under a fairy enchantment (or being Fairy-led).  Gather these plants together and tie them with a green ribbon.  Take the bouquet to the garden or a place in nature.  Blow the Fairies and kiss, and leave the plants as a gift.  Sit for awhile in the garden or place in nature, and meditate.  Breathe in the air.  Notice the scents.  The different plants around you.  The temperature, the breeze.  When you feel you are fully connected with the nature around you, say:
"Fairies from far and wide,
I offer you a gift.
tied up in green for luck,
and sealed with a kiss.
I can sense you,
if I'm pure of heart.
Bless me with luck and Fairy-Sight
to boost my Healing Art."
Blow them another kiss, relax and wait to see if they reveal themselves to you.  Don't fret if you don't see them this night - try again in the morning and evening of Beltane.  Listen to any messages the fairies may have for you - sometimes they have a special mission or task for you to complete before they will reward you with a visit!"
(Adapted from an article by Ellen Dugan)
*If you can't find or access the specific plants mentioned here  - substitute something different!  Trust your intuition to guide you to certain plants that you think the Fairies would like - and add any protective plant you can find for good measure!
Celtic Legend of Beltane and the Fey
"This was the Celtic beginning of summer, and also marked an important transition for the people of Faerie, for this was the time when the Milesian Celts landed on the shores of south-west Ireland.  With this, the last of the magical peoples (the Tuatha de Danaan) receded from the world of humans into the Hollow Hills and became the people of the Sidhe.  However, they and the other Fairy folk have not gone very far."  (from The Fairy Bible by Teresa Moorey)  Legend holds that the veil between the land of the Sidhe and the Human world is thin twice a year - at Beltane and again at Samhain - and these are times when it is easy to see and communicate with the realm of Spirit and Elementals." (from The Fairy Bible by Teresa Moorey)
Welsh Legend of Beltane and Rhiannon the Fairy Queen
"Welsh legend tells how the hero Pwll saw the Lady Rhiannon riding past him at Beltane and, after pursuing her, he eventually won her.  Rhiannon is one aspect of the Fairy Queen, riding on her white horse between the worlds.  As you sit quietly outside on a bank in the late spring dusk, listen for the sound of her horse's hooves and open your eyes to the shimmer of her sea-blue cloack.  When Rhiannon touches your hear, she will fill it with love and inspiration." (from The Fairy Bible by Teresa Moorey)

Monday, April 25, 2016

I'm a Certified Angel Card Reader!

I am very excited to announce that I am now a Certified Angel Card Reader!

I have added a new page to the blog called "READINGS" where you can learn about the type of readings I do, how to order them from me, and all about my qualifications and courses!

I am also adding different readings to my ETSY SHOP, so you can view readings there.

To celebrate with those of you who follow my blog, I am offering 15% OFF OF ANY READING ordered from my Etsy Shop - use the code HESTIABLOG15 when you order! (Expires May 31)

Make sure you follow my facebook page for updates, blog links, and other fun stuff!