Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Whimsical Wednesday; Quiet Time

I am working on building morning and evening routines that include meditation. I often give the excuse that I don't have time for meditation, but have realized I must make time! Meditation should be like brushing my teeth or bathing, it is an element of self-care that should be part of a daily routine!
I am working on turning this into a habit! I thought of one of my favorite three card tarot spreads: Body, Mind, Spirit. In that spread you draw 3 cards and each one has specific advice for Body (physical being) Mind (mental being) and Spirit (spiritual being). I thought this would be a good way to also break down my morning & evening routines! For Example;

Morning Routine;
BODY - take Vitamins, do yoga, brush teeth and hair.
MIND - check my calander and to-do list, read or write in my journal/blog
SPIRIT - draw a tarot or oracle card for the day, meditation

If I make sure to ask myself every day; what have I done to care for myself, Body, Mind, and Spirit, then eventually the practice of meditation becomes just as second-nature as making myself a cup of coffee in the morning! The above routine is similar to the evening routine, but I also include writing in my gratitude journal in that one. Gratitude is also an important habit to develop!

Today I decided to use the oracle deck, "Healing With The Fairies" by Doreen Virtue for my daily card. Sitting at my meditation altar, I shuffle and ask the Fairies, what is the most important thing for me to do this week to promote healing and harmony in my life? The card I drew: "Quiet Time"

This card is affirming the importance of taking time each day for meditation! With 3 kids, my life can be hectic and noisy! Purposefully and intentionally spending time each day with quiet, silence; alone with my thoughts and feelings . . . this will be essential to my healing and overall well-being! Quiet time will benefit all three aspects of my being; the Body, the Mind, and the Spirit!

I share this with you, and hope you will be inspired and encouraged to carve out some quiet time in your life! 
Namaste and Blessed Be!

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