
Friday, November 7, 2014

Wind Chime Magick


Hanging wind chimes around your home and garden is considered very good Feng-Shui, as the sounds of the chimes help clear the energy of negative vibrations and attract positive energy to your home environment.  You can bless and enchant a set of wind chimes to hang outside and transform the energy of the wind into whatever you need!  Look for a set of wind chimes that has a pleasing sound to you, place it on your Air Element Altar, light a few candles and visualize and/or meditate on your desire.  You can bless your set of wind chimes for home protection, communication, clear-thinking, good luck, prosperity, or to invite faeries and sylphs to your home and garden.  If you can find a set of wind chimes with birds, butterflies, dragonflies, or fairies, this can be even better for inviting air-element types of energies (renewal, spring, fresh beginnings, clear thinking and communication, music, divination, etc) but any set of wind chimes will do.  The ringing of the bells from the chimes is a music created by the movement of the winds... which can clear, purify, and transform the energy in and around your home with it's gentle frequency and vibration.  Below are a few ideas for spells and blessings for wind chimes around your home:

Wind Chime Spell for Home Blessing
Here is a Wind Chime spell by Ellen Dugan from the book "Elements of Witchcraft".  Say this prayer as you hang your wind chimes outside after you have blessed them and empowered them with your intentions for home protection and good luck;

"Magickal wind chimes, now be for me
a charm for good luck and prosperity.
As the chimes ring out, a spell they'll weave,
all dread and negativity now must leave!
By the power of the sylphs and faeries,
as I do will it, so now it shall be

Spell to Attract a Wind Sprite
This is a spell to attract a Wind Sprite to visit your home and garden, from the book "The Fairy Bible" by Teresa Moorey.

"Wind Sprites are the carefree gypsies of fairyland.  Storm-riders, whisperers, and mischief-makers, they bring the balm of the fragrant breeze and the rousing blast of the tempest.  They teach that all is light and changeable, yet they also bring clarity and sharpness of mind.  You may invite Wind Sprites into your life, but do not attempt to bind them to you -- that would destroy the gifts they bring.  You will need wind chimes and a length of ribbon.  Wind chimes of bamboo will invite a gentle, thoughtful sprite who will encourage reflection.  Crystal chimes will attract a highly evolved sprite to help you achieve greater detachment.  Metal chimes will attract a creative sprite who will help you achieve change.  Choose a windy day and hang your wind chimes securely in a tree or near a window.  Close your eyes and visualize the gifts you would like to receive from your sprite.  Feel the breeze blow on your face and say;

Wind-Sprite flying light and high,
I call to you, draw nigh, draw nigh
My chimes a home for you shall be,
Ever welcome, ever free

Listen for your chimes to ring to alert you that your sprite has arrived.  Welcome the sprite by tying the ribbon to the upper string of the chimes, being careful not to restrict their swaying and ringing.  Thank your sprite for being present.  Whenever you feel the need  of the gifts of the wind-sprites, stir the chimes with your hand or sit near them and listen to them blowing in the breeze, let them refresh your spirit and mind with their breeze and music".

Wind Chime Spell for Bringing Good News to Your Door

From "Magical Spells For Your Home" by Ann-Marie Gallagher.  For this spell, you will bless your Wind Chimes at your altar, calling upon Athena - Goddess of Communication and then hang them outside your front door.   You will need three feathers, some yellow ribbon, lavender oil and a yellow candle. 

Put some lavender scented essential oil in an oil burner with some water, light a yellow candle and say;

Athena, Goddess of Communication, 
Empower and bless my spell
to bring good news to my door,
with the swiftness of a bird in flight, 
Good fortune to ensure.

Using one length of ribbon, tie the first feather securely to any thread of the wind chime and say;

Happy news, find your way
to my home, begin today!

Tie the second feather to another thread of the chime with ribbon and say;

Bright music, sacred sound
Evil here is never found

Tie the third feather to another thread of the chime with ribbon and say;

Lucky Breeze, happy din
Summon light to flow within

Hang your wind chime over your front door or on your front porch near the door where breeze or wind will frequently stir it to action.


Wind Chimes for Good Dreams
I found a set of wind chimes made with dream-catchers.  I bought them to hang outside my children's bedroom window and I wrote this blessing prayer to empower the chimes and dream-catchers to help my children sleep soundly and keep away the bad dreams, and keep them safe at night.

All through the night,
help us sleep tight.
Chimes that ring,
sweet dreams now bring.
Winds that stir,
bring blessings here.
Good Dreams through the night,
until Morning's Light!

* note * All of this was posted at my previous blog, Tarot Mom. I've forgotten the password and started this new blog here... And may move some of my old posts from there to this one from time to time! You can see the original post here

This post made for Letter W of the Pagan Blog Project! 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday's Book Reviews

Joining in at Book Journey for It's Monday! What are you Reading?

I have a couple different books going on right now.

First off, I am still reading "Child of The Dawn" by Gautama Chopra. While I am enjoying the subject matter (spiritual awakening and the Law of Attraction) I am just not getting into this book. The writing style and story telling just aren't pulling me in. Perhaps I will change my mind after I finish it, but for now my review is just. . . "meh".

Another book I am reading right now is  " How To Hear Your Angels" by Doreen Virtue. I am enjoying this book! It gives advice for anyone who wants to increase and strengthen their communication with Angels, spirit guides, crossed over loved ones, etc. Really nice for those who do tarot or oracle card readings or any type of medium ship work, with practical excersizes to increase your intuition and empathy.

Thirdly, I am rereading "Guards! Guards!" By Terry Pratchett. I needed some lighthearted fiction and comedic relief in my life so I picked an old favorite from The Discworld series. Revisiting the introduction of one of my favorite characters, Sam Vimes and his encounter with Dragons as part of a political coup. Always enjoyable!

Hestia's Monday Musings - Temperance

On Mondays I draw a tarot card for my kitchen altar. I ask Hestia for her advice for the week, regarding my home, household, and family life. At my old blog, Tarot Mom - this weekly post was called "Mommy Time Monday".  I have asked Hestia for her message that will apply to both myself and my household - and also to my blog readers and followers on Facebook.

Hestia's Message week of 11/3 to 11/8

Temperance brings us the message of balance and moderation.  Life is so much about the give and take, and for many people it is difficult to find balance in their life. Balance between work and fun; balance between self-care and caring for others, etc.

This card urges us, this week, to take a closer look at our life. What is out of balance? What ingredient is lacking? What is there too much of, and how can we bring that back in to balance?

Above we see The Housewives's Tarot version of Temperance, the mixer. It reminds me of baking. When you make bread or a cake, you have to put in just the right amount of each ingredient or risk your cake being too dry, to thick, or too wet and not holding together at all. 
But it's not just a one chance thing. As you mix your ingredients, you can adjust. Does the batter feel too thin? Add a little more flour. Is it too thick? Add a tiny bit more oil or water. We have lots of chances -daily opportunities really - to rebalance our lives. 
Another version of this card - The Blender from The Kitchen Tarot, reminds us that the other people in our life also contribute to this balance and moderation. Everyone has something to "bring to the table". So as you think about the areas in life that need some balancing, don't forget your relationships. Perhaps you need to balance the scales with a friendship, a romantic partner, a parent, or a child.