
Monday, November 3, 2014

Hestia's Monday Musings - Temperance

On Mondays I draw a tarot card for my kitchen altar. I ask Hestia for her advice for the week, regarding my home, household, and family life. At my old blog, Tarot Mom - this weekly post was called "Mommy Time Monday".  I have asked Hestia for her message that will apply to both myself and my household - and also to my blog readers and followers on Facebook.

Hestia's Message week of 11/3 to 11/8

Temperance brings us the message of balance and moderation.  Life is so much about the give and take, and for many people it is difficult to find balance in their life. Balance between work and fun; balance between self-care and caring for others, etc.

This card urges us, this week, to take a closer look at our life. What is out of balance? What ingredient is lacking? What is there too much of, and how can we bring that back in to balance?

Above we see The Housewives's Tarot version of Temperance, the mixer. It reminds me of baking. When you make bread or a cake, you have to put in just the right amount of each ingredient or risk your cake being too dry, to thick, or too wet and not holding together at all. 
But it's not just a one chance thing. As you mix your ingredients, you can adjust. Does the batter feel too thin? Add a little more flour. Is it too thick? Add a tiny bit more oil or water. We have lots of chances -daily opportunities really - to rebalance our lives. 
Another version of this card - The Blender from The Kitchen Tarot, reminds us that the other people in our life also contribute to this balance and moderation. Everyone has something to "bring to the table". So as you think about the areas in life that need some balancing, don't forget your relationships. Perhaps you need to balance the scales with a friendship, a romantic partner, a parent, or a child.

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