Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday's Book Reviews

Joining in at Book Journey for It's Monday! What are you Reading?

I have a couple different books going on right now.

First off, I am still reading "Child of The Dawn" by Gautama Chopra. While I am enjoying the subject matter (spiritual awakening and the Law of Attraction) I am just not getting into this book. The writing style and story telling just aren't pulling me in. Perhaps I will change my mind after I finish it, but for now my review is just. . . "meh".

Another book I am reading right now is  " How To Hear Your Angels" by Doreen Virtue. I am enjoying this book! It gives advice for anyone who wants to increase and strengthen their communication with Angels, spirit guides, crossed over loved ones, etc. Really nice for those who do tarot or oracle card readings or any type of medium ship work, with practical excersizes to increase your intuition and empathy.

Thirdly, I am rereading "Guards! Guards!" By Terry Pratchett. I needed some lighthearted fiction and comedic relief in my life so I picked an old favorite from The Discworld series. Revisiting the introduction of one of my favorite characters, Sam Vimes and his encounter with Dragons as part of a political coup. Always enjoyable!

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