Friday, May 6, 2016

Faerie Friday: Meeting The Faeries

Faerie Friday Blessings to you!
I recently signed up for a new course by Doreen Virtue; Fairyology!  It is a video course and certification.  I am so excited about having another Certification - and I know in the future I will be leading workshops, teaching classes, doing readings and many more things because of the relationship I am developing with the Faeries and all I am learning.  I want to share some of my thoughts and discoveries with you every week so I will be trying to post a new blog every Friday (Thus; "Faerie Fridays" is born!) 

So this past week has been intense but beautiful.  I started watching the video course, but also felt guided to read more books to my studying.  My guides encouraged me to take this course deeper, learn on a very deep and personal level from more than one teacher.  So I downloaded several other books and have been reading those as well.  (I will be sharing more on those books later on.)

I have worked with Faeries and Elementals before, but am going to spend more time developing a closer working relationship with them, and getting to know the particular Faeries of the land where I live.  For Clarification - let me define who I feel the faeries are.  I use Faerie as an umbrella term for Elemental Spirits and Elementals.  Elemental spirits are spirits connected to nature.  (Not ghosts!)  They are spiritual beings that don't quite live on this physical plane, but they do interact with it.  Some of them are like guardians of certain areas.  Rivers, lakes, and forests might have a strong Elemental guardian, as well as many "smaller" elementals living in that area.  Elementals are called such because they are related to the Four elements, or Forces of nature; Earth, Air, Fire and Water.  There is a large variety of these nature Spirits and are many names for these:  Elementals, Nature Angels, Fairies, Elves, Gnomes, Pixies, Sylphs, Salamanders, Dragons, Plant and Tree Spirits... the list goes on and on!

One of the first things I did was create a Faerie Garden!  I chose a spot in my herb garden near the front door to make a faerie ring and add decorations.  I spent some time pulling weeds, pruning the plants, picking up trash and debris, and really just working outside a lot.  The first step in connecting with the spirits of nature (faeries of all kinds) is by connecting directly with nature.  The faeries appreciate your efforts to help them care for the land and the planet.  Here are a couple pictures from my Faerie Garden;

I was blessed with such a feeling of satisfaction and love after spending a lot of time working on my garden!  In fact, I was so drawn to being outside that I hardly worked on my video course at all - just doing reading at night and gardening all day!  (Again, my faerie guides have told me this is what they want me to do in developing a deeply personal relationship with them)  And I do feel like the Plant Faeries of my garden are very happy with this place made just for them!

Then, on Beltane Eve, I prepared and went out to the forest by my house to a particularly magickal feeling place by the creek, and did the Beltane Eve Fairy Spell (from my blog post about Beltane)  I brought the Faeries gifts of flowers, fruit, tea and honey and spent a lovely time meditating, listening to the forest, and celebrating.

While I was there, I became aware of many Spirit beings in the forest with me.  Several Tree Spirits and Plant Faeries, as well  as other Elementals and Nature Spirits.  They were delighted that I came and brought them food to share!  When I first entered the forest, I asked permission to join them.  There was a sense of surprise and also wariness; a human had never asked permission to walk on this land before.  At least not in many, many years.  I told them I brought food to share with them, and wanted to celebrate with them and the mood instantly lifted!  I felt like I was surrounded by laughter!  The rest of my time sitting out there that Beltane Eve, I did have other encounters and revelations, but those are not for sharing at this time.

I have had a couple other moments this past week in which I just felt the presence of the Faeries and magick in my life!  I posted this in a facebook group I am in on Tuesday;

"My life is immersed in magic and fae energy. Watching a couple videos here and there, (but I'm still only on video 5 lol) and reading a few different books on faeries at night. In the day just connecting with them as much as I can. Today I was sitting in my kitchen, making jewelry (I'm vending at a craft fair on Sunday so I was busy making sparkly things) I had some of my favorite music playing and was feeling especially happy while I made a fairy necklace with rainbow fluorite. I kept seeing movement outside and looking up to see the wind blowing the trees, birds, butterflies, etc. I saw a huge blue dragonfly! I've always associated dragonflies with faeries!! It flew by the sliding glass door three times! So I went and opened the door and felt the faeries cheering "we like your music"! So I turned it up and left the door open so they could hear it. The dragonfly came back and was just swooping in crazy circles all over the yard like it was dancing! Then another one joined it, and another... Until there were 5 blue dragonflies dancing around my yard! I sat on the porch watching them and laughing. I looked up to the trees and clear as day saw Green Man's face in the tree looking right at me! I looked away because I saw a bird or something, looked back at the tree but now the face is looking sideways instead of at me. Then I notice another face in another tree, and another! Look away and look back - they're all gone!"

I'm so excited to see what else I will learn, and what other encounters and Adventures I will have in working with the Faeries and Elementals!

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