
Monday, September 29, 2014

Thunder Water

Thunder Water

Thunder Water, also called Jupiter Water is simply rain water collected during a thunderstorm. We have all felt the thrill of power in the air when there is a thunderstorm.... The lightning flashing, the air vibrates with the sound of rolling thunder. Lightning has long been associated with the Greek god Zeus or his Roman counterpart, Jupiter. Rain water collected during a thunderstorms is said to be charged with the protective energy of this powerful god. It can be used in spells or rituals for protection, healing, or to send negativity back to it's source.

Ways to use Thunder Water

* use it for house cleaning or as mop water to promote healing or protection of the home. Add some essential oils that boost either the protective energy or healing energy.

* put it in a spray bottle and spray lightly around a room for energy cleansing & protection.

* Use it to wash your hair for personal protection or healing.

* put it in a colored glass bottle and place it in a Western facing windowsill to serve as a protective/healing talisman and bring soothing Water element energy to that room. (Add some corresponding crystals or herbs to boost this energy)

* use the Thunder water to cleanse your crystals and gemstones.

* place it in a pot on the stove, add some aromatic herbs and spices, and let it simmer for natural potpourri and energy cleansing of the house.

* use it as desired for the water element / water bowl on your altar for spells and rituals (especially for healing & protection spells.)

Collecting & Charging your Thunder Water

Place a bowl, cup, or jar outside during a thunderstorm. I prefer using a mason jar because I can then store it in the same container.

* make note of the day of the week and the sign/phase of the moon when the rain storm occurs.  These associations may help you decide how you want to use your Thunder Water. If the moon sign favors healing, you may want to charge the water for healing purposes. If the moon is Waning, it may be favorable to use it for banishing negativity.

* To further empower your Thunder Water, you may wish to add a crystal or gemstone that corresponds with the purpose you intend to use it for. Opal is considered to be a stone sacred to Zeus, and the Ancient Greeks believed it had healing powers.  Tiger's Eye is associated with Jupiter and is a protective stone. Use what you see fit.

* If it is raining, but there is no lightning & thunder, you may still wish to collect rain water and use it as Thunder Water.  There are a few ways to do this.  1) Collect Rain water on a Thursday as that is the day of week ruled by Jupiter. 2) Collect the rain water during the planetary hour of Jupiter, on any day of the week. 3) Collect rain water while the Moon or Sun are in the sign of Sagittarius, or when they are conjunct with Jupiter. 4) Since you never really know when it might rain, decorate your collecting jar with symbols of lightning, shields, eagles, or any symbol you think represents Zeus/Jupiter; and then collect the rain at any time.

* No matter when you collect the water, hold it in your hands and visualize it glowing with an electric blue light. Ask Zeus or Jupiter (Or your preferred Deity of power) to bless and charge the water, thank Them for the gift of rain and the protection or healing this water will provide.

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