
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Monday Book Review

What I read last week;

The Ocean At The End of The Lane

By Neil Gaiman

As I stated in last Monday's blog, I was thrilled to find this book at the library. It didn't let me down! Gaiman's books always capture my heart and imagination in unexpected ways. I try to give book reviews that give no spoilers for those who haven't read the book, so without going into detail I will give a brief description.  Do you have any childhood memories that, as an adult, you just know they can't be real? You figure, I was an imaginative child, there is no way this is a real memory. . . it must be something I dreamed or imagined. This story is about one man's vaguely-remembered childhood, and the impossible truth he encounters as he remembers things that happened. It's a ghost-story, a fairy tale, creatures from somewhere beyond our reality; and the creatures who defend that reality and hold it all together. There are people and things in this book that are so familiar, like they are taken from the very fabric of childhood's fondest imaginings. . . and from it's darkest nightmares; and finally given faces and names and a story of their own. The Ocean at The End of The Lane is a short novel, and it didn't take long for me to read it, but it was rich in imagery, tastes, smells, and vivid emotions. Truly a great book for anyone who loves fantasy, myth, and magic! Yet not too "far out" from reality that it may also be enjoyed by those who don't often read fantasy genre books.  I hope you will read it! If you have already read it, leave a comment and tell me what you thought!

And now; what I am currently reading or planning to read this week!

Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
Hey, it was on the library book shelf right next to the other one! Two Gaiman books I hadn't read yet - I couldn't resist! Already almost done with this one. . . and I love it so much! Check back next Monday for my review!

Child of the Dawn by Gautama Chopra
Found this one on a book sale rack for $2.00 and I couldn't resist! Sounds somewhat similar to Hesse's Siddhartha which I recently read, and it is written by the son of Deepak Chopra. Excited to see what this book brings me!


  1. Hmm, I need to read more Neil Gaiman books. I've only read about 2 I think, The Graveyard Book and then the one he wrote with Terry Pratchet, Good Omens. Oh no, I also read American Gods I think.
    Check out my Monday Post

  2. Enjoy your reading this week! I have a lot to catch up on with Cinder & Throne of Glass... ;-)

    Guy Vestal @ Counter Culture Critic - My Monday

  3. I still haven't read anything by Neil Gaiman! I'm really missing out, aren't I? Will have to put it nearer the top of my TBR list.

    Here's my Monday -

  4. I tried to get into Ocean three times but couldn't make it into it, and that stinks cause I hear so many good things about it:(

    Here's my It's Monday post
