
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday's Oracle; Fresh Air

The kids have gone to school, I have had my coffee, and I decide to start my day with meditation. At my altar, I choose The Daily Guidance From Your Angels oracle card deck by Doreen Virtue. Settling onto my cushion I shuffle the cards and pray; "Angels, what advice do you have for me today?"

I read the card and smile. I had planned on doing some housework today, but perhaps I should do some yard work instead? Or at least open the house windows and doors. It's cool out today, morning fog is lifting. Maybe it will rain.
I turn to the window next to my altar and open it. As I open it I see my neighbor's dog, Sonny, running down my driveway. I step outside and I'm greeted by 100 pounds of happy slobbering fur. In the distance I can hear my neighbor calling his name. Sonny hears it too, but ignores the calls as he runs in playful circles around my front yard. I think about getting my phone and calling the neighbor to let her know her dog is here. But I remember the angel card I had just drawn, so I grab my jacket and slip on my shoes, "Come on Sonny! Let's walk!"
Sonny and I walk down the driveway to the road. Well, I walk while he runs in circles ahead of me.  The crisp morning air fills my lungs and bites at my ears. The road is littered with orange and brown Maple leaves that have fallen over night. . . crunch, crunch, crunch.
I am smiling as we reach the neighbor's house. She scolds Sonny for running away, but we laugh about how he just wanted to play. She informs me that she was just on her way to my house to help clean the deck. (This neighbor is also my landlady) Once again I remember the card encouraging me to get fresh air! Well, it looks like I will be working outside today, clearing and washing the deck to prepare it for a new waterproof coat of paint for the rainy winter days ahead.
I return home, opening more house windows. Yes, it is a bit chilly out, but the Fresh air feels so good! I sit at my altar next to my open window and meditate, focusing on just taking deep, cleansing breaths of fresh air.
I hope that you, my readers, can find a way to get some fresh air today too!
Namaste and Blessed Be!

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