
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Vesta - Goddess of The Hearth

Vesta is the Roman Goddess of the Hearth, Home, and Family. (Her Greek counterpart is Hestia.) A virgin Goddess, she did not marry or have children like most of the Roman Gods and Goddesses, yet she is still seen as a maternal, mothering figure.  This is because the fire of the Hearth which she protects - was recognized to be an essential part of a nurturing and safe home life. Without a fire in the hearth, families would be cold, hungry, and unprotected.
Today, we don't have a "hearth fire" in our homes; that has been replaced by a stove and a microwave. Most of us don't cook our food over an open flame (except for those fun family barbeque nights) and a fireplace is more of a luxury than a necessity for warmth. Although our methods have changed, many Neo-Pagans are still drawn to honoring a Goddess of Hearth and Home.  The Ancient Romans would honor Vesta by throwing some of their food into the hearth fire as an offering . . . giving back to the life- force that had provided for them. In Vesta's temple, a fire was constantly burning. Guarded and tended to by the Vestal Virgins . . . women who had dedicated their lives to honoring and serving Vesta.
Today, many who call themselves "kitchen witches" are drawn to honoring Vesta (or Hestia) as part of their daily spiritual practice. Recognizing that the kitchen with all it's modern gadgets is still a center of the home - a place of creation and nurturing.
My blog title is "Muse of Hestia" because as a mother and housewife I find so much of my spiritual life is tied directly to my home life and family. I work with Vesta/ Hestia quite often: she motivates me, inspires me, and encourages me. I will probably blog about Her more . . . but for now I thought a "basic introduction" would be a good place to start!
This is my kitchen altar with tiny statue of Vesta and candle;

Plus, I couldn't think of anything better to blog about starting with the letter V for this week's Pagan Blog Project!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Whimsical Wednesday; Quiet Time

I am working on building morning and evening routines that include meditation. I often give the excuse that I don't have time for meditation, but have realized I must make time! Meditation should be like brushing my teeth or bathing, it is an element of self-care that should be part of a daily routine!
I am working on turning this into a habit! I thought of one of my favorite three card tarot spreads: Body, Mind, Spirit. In that spread you draw 3 cards and each one has specific advice for Body (physical being) Mind (mental being) and Spirit (spiritual being). I thought this would be a good way to also break down my morning & evening routines! For Example;

Morning Routine;
BODY - take Vitamins, do yoga, brush teeth and hair.
MIND - check my calander and to-do list, read or write in my journal/blog
SPIRIT - draw a tarot or oracle card for the day, meditation

If I make sure to ask myself every day; what have I done to care for myself, Body, Mind, and Spirit, then eventually the practice of meditation becomes just as second-nature as making myself a cup of coffee in the morning! The above routine is similar to the evening routine, but I also include writing in my gratitude journal in that one. Gratitude is also an important habit to develop!

Today I decided to use the oracle deck, "Healing With The Fairies" by Doreen Virtue for my daily card. Sitting at my meditation altar, I shuffle and ask the Fairies, what is the most important thing for me to do this week to promote healing and harmony in my life? The card I drew: "Quiet Time"

This card is affirming the importance of taking time each day for meditation! With 3 kids, my life can be hectic and noisy! Purposefully and intentionally spending time each day with quiet, silence; alone with my thoughts and feelings . . . this will be essential to my healing and overall well-being! Quiet time will benefit all three aspects of my being; the Body, the Mind, and the Spirit!

I share this with you, and hope you will be inspired and encouraged to carve out some quiet time in your life! 
Namaste and Blessed Be!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday's Oracle; Fresh Air

The kids have gone to school, I have had my coffee, and I decide to start my day with meditation. At my altar, I choose The Daily Guidance From Your Angels oracle card deck by Doreen Virtue. Settling onto my cushion I shuffle the cards and pray; "Angels, what advice do you have for me today?"

I read the card and smile. I had planned on doing some housework today, but perhaps I should do some yard work instead? Or at least open the house windows and doors. It's cool out today, morning fog is lifting. Maybe it will rain.
I turn to the window next to my altar and open it. As I open it I see my neighbor's dog, Sonny, running down my driveway. I step outside and I'm greeted by 100 pounds of happy slobbering fur. In the distance I can hear my neighbor calling his name. Sonny hears it too, but ignores the calls as he runs in playful circles around my front yard. I think about getting my phone and calling the neighbor to let her know her dog is here. But I remember the angel card I had just drawn, so I grab my jacket and slip on my shoes, "Come on Sonny! Let's walk!"
Sonny and I walk down the driveway to the road. Well, I walk while he runs in circles ahead of me.  The crisp morning air fills my lungs and bites at my ears. The road is littered with orange and brown Maple leaves that have fallen over night. . . crunch, crunch, crunch.
I am smiling as we reach the neighbor's house. She scolds Sonny for running away, but we laugh about how he just wanted to play. She informs me that she was just on her way to my house to help clean the deck. (This neighbor is also my landlady) Once again I remember the card encouraging me to get fresh air! Well, it looks like I will be working outside today, clearing and washing the deck to prepare it for a new waterproof coat of paint for the rainy winter days ahead.
I return home, opening more house windows. Yes, it is a bit chilly out, but the Fresh air feels so good! I sit at my altar next to my open window and meditate, focusing on just taking deep, cleansing breaths of fresh air.
I hope that you, my readers, can find a way to get some fresh air today too!
Namaste and Blessed Be!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Monday Book Review

What I read last week;

The Ocean At The End of The Lane

By Neil Gaiman

As I stated in last Monday's blog, I was thrilled to find this book at the library. It didn't let me down! Gaiman's books always capture my heart and imagination in unexpected ways. I try to give book reviews that give no spoilers for those who haven't read the book, so without going into detail I will give a brief description.  Do you have any childhood memories that, as an adult, you just know they can't be real? You figure, I was an imaginative child, there is no way this is a real memory. . . it must be something I dreamed or imagined. This story is about one man's vaguely-remembered childhood, and the impossible truth he encounters as he remembers things that happened. It's a ghost-story, a fairy tale, creatures from somewhere beyond our reality; and the creatures who defend that reality and hold it all together. There are people and things in this book that are so familiar, like they are taken from the very fabric of childhood's fondest imaginings. . . and from it's darkest nightmares; and finally given faces and names and a story of their own. The Ocean at The End of The Lane is a short novel, and it didn't take long for me to read it, but it was rich in imagery, tastes, smells, and vivid emotions. Truly a great book for anyone who loves fantasy, myth, and magic! Yet not too "far out" from reality that it may also be enjoyed by those who don't often read fantasy genre books.  I hope you will read it! If you have already read it, leave a comment and tell me what you thought!

And now; what I am currently reading or planning to read this week!

Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
Hey, it was on the library book shelf right next to the other one! Two Gaiman books I hadn't read yet - I couldn't resist! Already almost done with this one. . . and I love it so much! Check back next Monday for my review!

Child of the Dawn by Gautama Chopra
Found this one on a book sale rack for $2.00 and I couldn't resist! Sounds somewhat similar to Hesse's Siddhartha which I recently read, and it is written by the son of Deepak Chopra. Excited to see what this book brings me!