Sunday, September 21, 2014

Meditation - Affirmations to help you meditate

Meditation - Affirmations to help you meditate


Affirmation 1: "I cherish my meditation times."
Affirmation 2: "The Wisdom I seek is within me."

"At least once a day I sit quietly and go within to connect with the wisdom and knowledge that is always there.  This wisdom and knowledge is only a breath away.  All the answers to all the questions I shall ever ask are sitting there waiting for me.   Meditating is a joy for me.  I sit quietly, take a few deep breaths, relax, and go to that place of peace within.  After a little while, I come back to the present moment refreshed and renewed and ready for life.  Every day is a joyous new adventure for me because I choose to listen to my own inner wisdom.  This wisdom is always available to me.  It comes from the essence of that which exists behind the universe of time, space. and change.  When I meditate, I connect with the deep inner unchanging part of myself.  Here I am energy.  I am light.  I am the answer already arrived.  I am Eternal Beingness being here now."

~ From "Meditations To Heal Your Life" by Louise L. Hay


I've recently joined a group of others in a challenge to meditate every day for 100 days. Our goals in doing this are; 
*To develop a habit of meditation, making it a part of our daily life.
*To deepen our meditation practice and get better at it.
*To explore different styles of meditation and find what works best for us.

I've shared a couple affirmations here to help anyone who wants to meditate more. It's easy to let the negative self talk discourage us.  How many times do you say to yourself; "I just don't have time to meditate." Or "I'm just not good at it, it's so hard to clear my mind." And "I can't sit still that long, it hurts my back." Etc.
When you find yourself thinking this way, replace those thoughts with positive affirmations like the examples given above. Make your own positive affirmations to help you feel confident about meditating, and share them here in the comments!

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