Thursday, December 29, 2016

New Moon In Capricorn and our New Year's Resolutions

New Moon Blessings!  The moon entered it's New phase around 1:00 am Thursday morning, in the sign of Capricorn.  I made this graphic to show some highlights of the Moon Cycle we just entered. 

Time for dreaming and planning! Dream Big! This New Moon is a good one for your dreams & intentions for the whole year. Especially with things regarding your personal growth and pushing yourself to be your very best. You know that feeling of being motivated to change or better yourself that happens around New Year every year? It is largely from the Capricorn new Moon that happens right around our calendar new year. 

Capricorn energy is all about self improvement - pushing yourself to do better, achieve more, and improve your status in life.  Go ahead and dream big and set those lofty goals for the New Year!  Capricorn lets you see your ultimate potential.  However, it is good the remember the Capricorn method of achievement is not one of instant gratification.  "Slow and steady wins the race" seems like a very Capricornian phrase.  Build on your goals and habits slowly.  Perhaps think in terms of what small changes you can make, and then work on adding one small change or habit every couple of weeks.  Give yourself time to solidify one habit before jumping into the next. Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn and is known as the great tester or the lord of Karma, so don't expect these goals to go unchallenged!  Capricorn's lesson is often about flexibility and adaptability.  If one method isn't working, ditch it and try a new approach.  If one habit isn't sticking, change that up too.

January is named after the Roman God Janus, who is guardian of doorways. He has two faces - one looking back to the past, and one looking forward to the future. As we pass thru the door from one year to the next, we look back with a degree of honesty about what didn't work. And look forward and see potential within ourselves and want to push ourselves to be our very best. (a very Capricorn mode of thinking) 

But to use the adage "Rome wasn't built in a day" it is good to remember as we set goals that positive changes that stick are made slowly and gradually with great care.
Mercury is still retrograde, but will go direct again a few days before the full moon. That will be the perfect time to begin making changes or starting new things that relate to your goals.  From now until the January 9th, focus on pinning down exactly what your goals are.  Create some positive affirmations or a sankalpa to repeat daily to help you feel good about your goal.  You may even want to create a Vision Board or Dream Board... it's up to you.

Write down your goals and then write down a list of the small changes you can make to acheive this goal.  Don't try to jump in fully and make all these changes at once!  Just pick a starting point and be ready for it once Mercury goes direct!  Meanwhile your positive thinking and dreaming is planting the seeds during the new moon.  

I found this great graphic at Energy Muse showing how to follow your intention and goal setting process through the moon phase... starting at the new moon and ending at the dark moon (and then repeating again.  

Best Wishes for a lovely Moon Cylce and a Happy New Year!

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