Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Bedroom Magick - Sex

Since I wrote about The Bedroom last week - and the many spiritual aspects of the bedroom, I thought I'd make a couple posts including spells that apply.  So here are a few Sex & Romance spells for your bedroom!

First, here's a list of correspondences for Sex - you can create your own spell, sachet, craft, or ritual based on these - just gather what you want to use and be creative!

Sex Magick Correspondences*
Colors; Red, Orange
Astrological Sign; Scorpio  (or choose the astrological sign of your partner)
Planets; Pluto and Venus
Day of the Week; Friday
Elements; Water & Fire
Direction; West or South
Gods; Ares, Eros, Pan, Bes, Enzo, Freyr, Cupid
Goddesses; Aphrodite, Bastet, Hathor, Xochiquetzal, Astarte, Aine, Parvati, Rati,Freya, Venus,
Plants / Herbs; Apple, cinnamon, Clove, Copal, Gardenia, Garlic, Ginger, Lavender, Nuts, Patchouli, Pomegranate, Raspberry, Rose, Saffron, Tonka Beans, Valerian, Yarrow
Gemstones; Agate, Amber, Carnelian, Cat's Eye, Copper, Garnet, Moonstone, Quartz, Rhodochrosite, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Smoky Quartz
       * not a "complete" list!  You may find other associations that are not listed here!

With any kind of Magick - but especially with Sex Magick - be careful what you wish for!  You don't want your partner to be overly attracted to you - resulting in you getting tired of the advances or risk hurting their feelings if you reject their advances.  You don't want to interfere with anyone's free will - it's best to use these spells to "spice up" the sex life of existing relationships, or to just make you more open and comfortable with your own sexuality - not to convince an otherwise unwilling partner into the bed with you!  Also - a lot of correspondences relating to sex are also related to Fertility!  If you or your partner are not wanting to get pregnant, use precautions!  Be very clear in your intentions about what you want!

Keeping Things Sexy Spell
from Mrs. B's Guide to Household Witchery by Kris Bradley
"As the years go by, as children join the family, and as schedules get more and more complicated, passion can sometimes take a backseat to all the other things going on in your life.  If you find that you want to try to heat things up a bit, use this simple spell.
Supplies; Red Ribbon, Rose Petals, a pair of your underwear, a pair of your partner's underwear
1. Grab a pair of your underwear (The sexier the better!) and a pair of your partner's
2. Lay out one pair and sprinkle the rose petals on top.
3. Lay the other pair of underwear on top of that one.  Then fold them both into a small bundle with the rose petals inside.  Wrap them tight with the red ribbon, tying three knots while saying;
Knot of one, bring on the fun.  Second knot, get things hot.  Knot of three; Passionate sex for me and thee. (visualizing you and your partner)
4.  Place the bundle under the bed.  Then make the effort to go to bed before you're too tired to do anything about it!"
* you can add a crystal or another herb or two to this spell from the list at the top of this post!  Make sure your bedroom is clean and your bed is made with nice clean sheets so the energy of your spell doesn't get lost in the clutter or a mess!

Simple Friday Sex Spell
Fidays are sacred to Freya, Frigg, and Venus or Aphrodite.  Find a red candle and gather roses, cinnamon, and any other plants or gemstones you want to include.  On a Friday Morning or, set these items on a table or altar.  You may also wish to have incense or essential oil of rose, lavender, or cinnamon.  Arrange the altar with these items and light the candle.  Sit for a few minutes with the Goddess of your choice, and just talk to her.  What are your fears?  What do you think is blocking your sex life from being what you want it to be?  What exactly do you want your sex life to be like?  Be honest.  Ask the Goddess to help remove any obstacles and clear the way for intimacy in your life.  State your desire and then say "So Mote It Be" and swiftly blow out the candle like you're blowing out a candle on a birthday cake (making a wish).  Go about the rest of your day as usual, but be open to any inspiration from your Goddess.  You might be inspired to have a conversation with your partner, clean up your room, buy new sexy underwear, change the appearance of your hair, make a "date night" with your partner, etc . . . just follow those promptings and keep in mind your goal and your conversation with the Goddess from the morning.  In the Evening try to find Venus rising in the sky - usually the first bright star in the evening sky.  Thank her for her continued blessings and go have some fun!

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